Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wendy's Words: Introducing Audrey

I would like to take a moment to officially introduce Audrey (my daughter) to you, a loyal reader.  Although I'm usually very transparent online, my pregnancy felt like something I wanted to keep to myself, and those I interact with in face-to-face life.  Audrey is just over 9 months old now, and my life has evolved.  It feels like the right time for you to meet her.  She's an absolute joy - a social butterfly like her mommy.

I'd also like to introduce you to the new me.  The core is the same, but some focuses different.  I am adapting, changing, evolving as a person, and my style is moving with me.  As my attention shifts to different subject matter, you may notice a change in the articles here too.  My eyes have been opened to a whole new world, and I'm excited to share this part of my journey with you.

Until next time,
Wendy xo

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